Tuesday, November 9, 2010

it's a boy!

As you may, or may not have noticed, it's been quite some time since I last blogged. This was partially due to being really, really, busy, and partially because we were waiting to announce that we've been selected for an adoption placement!

It's been 3 years since we started down this path, and I give all credit to Cathy who kept us on track to finish our application, home study, and all the various appointments and classes. She also created our family photo album - this is the book of photos that birth parents can look through to learn more about an adoptive family, our adoption video, and literally hundreds of other details. She's amazing!

Here's what we know about the baby...

It's a boy, and he's due on December 23rd, 2010. He's apparently quite active and likes to kick. :) Both birth parents are Caucasian and the father has dark curly hair.

We've decided to name him Nathaniel (meaning 'Gift from God') James, and we cannot wait to meet him!

We even have our first picture of the little dude.

Seeing our baby has finally made it sink in that this is real. Before, adoption has felt more like a concept than a reality. Something that might happen, but has not yet come to be.
Now we find ourselves preparing our hearts and home to receive this little person. We wonder what his personality will be, what's he going to look like, and how much our lives are about to change.

We're so ready for it, and I couldn't think of a better way to end our first year in California than this. Thank you, friends, for walking along with us on this journey. Your guidance, support, and prayers have helped us navigate the way.

Pre-parenthood preparation... Let the adventure continue!