Tuesday, March 2, 2010

welcome back

It's been a fair few months since our last post and in that time we have moved to California, settled in, and are getting back into familiar patterns.

It's so nice to be closer to family, have winter days in the 70's, and have a plethora of great Mexican restaurants to choose from!

It's also hard to realize that everyday the life we spent a decade building in Michigan is slipping away.

But we're here for a reason. We have a purpose and a calling to fulfill. We're here to grow as individuals, as a couple, and as a family. We're here to be a positive example to our nieces and nephews, a support system for our brothers and sisters, and a comfort to our parents.

We miss Michigan, but this is our home now. We must forge ahead while staying rooted in the lessons we learned and the friendships that shaped us.

Come visit us! You'll always be welcome.